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由 Greg Sowden 在新西兰设计和开发的一系列创新质量证明的双体船充气船。由 Greg 于 2007 年在奥克兰塔卡普纳创立 Takacat 通过广泛的分销商网络在全球销售了 11,000 多艘船,在全球取得成功。 无论您喜欢钓鱼、潜水、探索还是只是为您的游艇或房车寻找优质的便携式招标。 Takacat 的可折叠运动船或轻型小艇是任何水上的耐用、稳定和有趣的选择。以其稳定性、多功能性、紧凑的包装尺寸和重量轻而闻名。使用 Takacat 创新的完全可拆卸管式横梁®系统,可将充气投标车卷入手提袋中,便于运输和存放。查看全系列产品并随时与我们联系,以帮助您选择最适合您休闲风格的船!  Takacat Go 系列、运动系列和 LX 系列船按照国际标准 ISO/6185 制造,您正在投资 14 年的产品开发和改进,为您提供终极便携式船!

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Takacat New Zealand Giveaway Terms & Conditions

  1. Eligibility: This giveaway is open only to individuals who are legal residents of New Zealand and are 18 years of age or older. Employees of Takacat New Zealand, its affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising and promotion agencies, and suppliers (collectively the “Employees”), and immediate family members and/or those living in the same household of Employees are not eligible to participate in the giveaway.

  2. Agreement to Rules: By participating, the Contestant (“You”) agree to be fully unconditionally bound by these Rules, and You represent and warrant that You meet the eligibility requirements. In addition, You agree to accept the decisions of Takacat New Zealand as final and binding as it relates to the content of this giveaway.

  3. Giveaway Period: Online Entries will be accepted from 06/09/2024. All other entries will be accepted starting on the opening day of the Outdoor Expo in Christchurch on 14 September 2024 and ending on Sunday, 6 October 2024, at 11:59 PM NZST. All entries must be received by this time.

  4. How to Enter: The primary method of entry for the giveaway is by scanning a QR code available at the Takacat New Zealand booth at the following trade shows: Outdoor Expo, Christchurch (14-15 September 2024)Motorhome Caravan & Leisure Show, Mystery Creek, Hamilton (27-29 September 2024).The QR code will direct participants to the online entry form on their mobile device. Additionally, a tablet will be stationed at the booth for participants to use to enter the competition. Entries will be accepted online until the draw date. The entry must fulfill all giveaway requirements, as specified, to be eligible to win a prize. Entries that are incomplete or do not adhere to the rules or specifications may be disqualified at the sole discretion of Takacat New Zealand. You may enter only once, and you must fill in the information requested.

  5. Prize: The Winner(s) of the giveaway (the “Winner”) will receive a Takacat T220GO inflatable boat, valued at $1,590. No cash or other prize substitution shall be permitted except at Takacat New Zealand's discretion. The prize is non-transferable. Any and all prize-related expenses, including without limitation any and all federal, state, and/or local taxes, shall be the sole responsibility of the Winner. No substitution of prize or transfer/assignment of prize to others or request for the cash equivalent by the Winner is permitted.

  6. Responsibility for Safe Use: Winners must use the prize in the manner intended and observe all safety measures related to the use of the inflatable boat. Takacat New Zealand is not responsible for any injury, loss, or damage resulting from improper or unsafe use of the prize.

  7. Rights to Promotional Content: Takacat New Zealand reserves the right to use any promotional content related to the competition and the winners, including images and videos, across its social media platforms, website, and other promotional materials without further compensation or notification.

  8. Odds: The odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received.

  9. Winner Selection and Notification: The Winner will be selected by a random drawing under the supervision of Takacat New Zealand. The Winner will be notified by email within five (5) days following the selection of the Winner, which will take place on 7 October 2024. Takacat New Zealand shall have no liability for the Winner’s failure to receive notices due to spam, junk e-mail, or other security settings, or for the Winner’s provision of incorrect or otherwise non-functioning contact information. If the Winner cannot be contacted, is ineligible, fails to claim the prize within 10 days from the time the award notification was sent, or fails to timely return a completed and executed declaration and release as required, the prize may be forfeited and an alternate Winner selected.

  10. Privacy Policy: Information submitted with an entry is subject to the Privacy Policy stated on the Takacat New Zealand website.

  11. ​Limitation of Liability: By entering, You agree to release and hold harmless Takacat New Zealand and its subsidiaries, affiliates, advertising and promotion agencies, partners, representatives, agents, successors, assigns, employees, officers, and directors from any liability, illness, injury, death, loss, litigation, claim, or damage that may occur, directly or indirectly, whether caused by negligence or not, from: (i) such entrant’s participation in the giveaway and/or his/her acceptance, possession, use, or misuse of any prize or any portion thereof; (ii) the failure to comply with safety guidelines and instructions for the use of the inflatable boat; (iii) improper or unsafe use of the inflatable boat, including but not limited to use in non-recommended conditions or environments; (iv) any injury or damage resulting from the use of the inflatable boat on water or other surfaces.

  12. Disputes: THIS GIVEAWAY IS GOVERNED BY THE LAWS OF NEW ZEALAND AND REGULATED BY THE COMMERCE COMMISSION. All promotions, including this giveaway, comply with guidelines to ensure transparency and fairness. We do not mislead consumers about the prizes offered, the conditions of entry, or the chances of winning. As a condition of participating in this giveaway, participants agree that any and all disputes that cannot be resolved between the parties, and causes of action arising out of or connected with this giveaway, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action. Disputes will be addressed by an appropriate authority in New Zealand having jurisdiction to ensure fairness and compliance with applicable laws.

  13. Sponsor: The Sponsor of the giveaway is Takacat New Zealand.

  14. Third-Party Platforms: This giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with the Outdoor Expo, Motorhome Caravan & Leisure Show, Meta Platforms, or any other company or platform used to promote this competition. This promotion is conducted in compliance with the policies and procedures of Meta Platforms.

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